As anyone whose read my blog in the past already knows, I am not a spiritual or religious man. In fact, I am an atheist; in that I don’t believe in God (I’ll forgive a slight gasp of disbelief for those who are new to my writing). I find the whole idea to be nonsense, but this is my choice, as it is the choice to believe for anyone else…but is it really a choice? Are we born capable of intellectualising such matters? Some would say yes, others would say no, and I have another argument to offer.
As much as anyone might be able to rationalize and compartmentalize such a choice, there is a growing amount of scientific evidence to suggest that a propensity for religious belief is a hardwired function of the human brain, meaning that our brains are programmed to believe in deities, though it doesn’t stop there. There may be a correlation between religious piety and belief in extraterrestrials or even the paranormal.
Ancient Astronaut theorists have long proposed that the deities we so passionately worship today are nothing more than highly advanced extraterrestrial creatures who, quite literally, played God in our distant past. In fact, many of the arguments used to deny the existence of God can easily be adapted and used to argue against the existence of these ancient aliens. But that’s another discussion entirely.
What if I told you that your propensity for belief, whether in God or aliens or ghosts or what-have-you, is actually the product of your brain interpreting electromagnetic signals in the atmosphere? Whatever you might say, I would tell you next of Canadian Neuroscientist Michael Persinger’s God Helmet. Literally a device that is purported to bring about religious or spiritual experiences, the God helmet has been the focus of much scrutiny of late. Originally conceived to aid Persinger and his research partner Stanley Koren in a study of creativity and the effects of subtle stimulation of the temporal lobe, the God helmet was found to provide a much more profound experience than just inspiration.
Now there is some argument over the replication of Persinger’s results, but Persinger does stand by his findings. The God Helmet was not specifically designed to elicit visions of God, but to test several of Persinger’s hypotheses about brain function. The first of these is the Vectorial Hemisphericity Hypothesis, which proposes that the human sense of self has two components, one on each side of the brain, that ordinarily work together but in which the left hemisphere is usually dominant. Persinger argues that the two hemispheres make different contributions to a single sense of self, but under certain conditions can appear as two separate ‘selves’. Persinger and Koren designed the God Helmet in an attempt to create conditions in which contributions to the sense of self from both cerebral hemispheres is disrupted.
In any event, the God helmet uses complex magnetic signals patterned after physiological processes, such as one derived from limbic burst firing, to elicit a response in the subject’s experience. His subjects reported feelings of a presence in the room with them, visions of angels or of deceased persons known to the subject, and most poignant, a feeling of being in the presence of God.
It strikes me that these feelings are comparable to those reported by persons visiting various spiritual locations the world over such as Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England, or Machu Picchu in Peru, or even Cambodia’s Angkor Wat. It’s also interesting that each of these places are reported to have or emit strange electromagnetic fields. Furthermore, these locations, and many more, are points of inclusion in the world grid.
Also called Ley-lines, the world grid is a series of lines that criss-cross around the globe, connecting a large number of sacred or spiritual sites all over the world. It’s thought that the world grid is the manifestation of complex EM fields, that when mapped out create invisible geometrical shapes.
Ancient Astronaught theorists like to assert that the world grid is an old world navigation system, used by extraterrestrials and possibly taught to ancient man. In some circles it’s said that these ancient spiritual sites are in fact revered as sacred because of those teachings.
As mentioned above, it strikes me that these locations, the ones that are considered to be situated at convergent lay-lines, seem to emit or posses special electromagnetic energy and I wonder if the spiritual nature of these sites is related to the effect seen in Persinger’s God Helmet. In short, I suggest that those EM fields at sites like Stonehenge etc. act in much the same was as the God Helmet, creating religious experiences through the subtle manipulation of the temporal lobes of those who visit such sites.