I am a skeptic by nature, a person who thinks twice before believing anyone living or dead. The cold hard facts of this is case is that I have seen sprits “ghosts” on my farm for the last seven years.
I have taken my personal paranormal experiences and par laid them into three novels. My stories are peppered with my first hand paranormal knowledge. At the same time I finished my third novel I decided to sell my farm and move to Florida. With the housing market in a slump a friend of mine suggested I list my home as haunted .It is listed it on eBay under ‘Haunted Kentucky Horse Farm For Sale’ (where else can you list haunted property!) I five weeks I have had 6,000 people view my farm!
I did not contact the Kentucky Spirit Seekers they found me in early August!
For many years I have been a closet queen so to speak about my own paranormal experiences. I have not watched the ghost hunters on TV or know any of the lingo in the paranormal world.
I didn’t know what to think about the Kentucky Spirit Seekers. Were they nice honest people who happened to research ghosts or were they a group of weirdo’s that needed to be locked up?
Before the group even set foot on my farm these people had already done their home-work. After the phone interviews with me they researched my property.
I built my home seven years ago, it is not old its new. Right after I moved in ghosts made a house call sorts, a welcome to the neighborhood kind of thing.
The night the ghost hunters arrived everything was going in my favor. The weather was warm but not to humid, the phone wasn’t ringing for once and the horses were well away from the house and being quite.
As the team of ghost hunters came to my door I was impressed .They were polite, educated, well dressed and most of all ready to help me. After introductions they got right down to work and started setting up their equipment. I didn’t know there was so much work setting up microphones, cameras and performing sound checks.
I made sure I did my part turning everything electrical off including the air-conditioned. Next I went outside while the team took pictures asked questions aloud with no one in the room. An hour later I sat with two members of the team while the first set of investigators went outside to take more pictures.
I have to say sitting on my bed answering paranormal questions about where the ghost came in and what they looked like made my heart race. It was the first time I opened up with anyone face to face concerning ghosts and it felt good telling these people.
The Spirit Seekers don’t ask for a dime they are not looking for publicity or to sell a book. What they are is a team of reputable paranormal investigators that help folks like me.
After the cameras microphones and all the equipment was packed up they explained to me that it would be a couple of weeks for them to go through all the data they had collected.
True to their word two weeks later two members returned to my home to present their findings. In several pictures were balls, I guess you might call them orbs. In the video there were darting lights in my master bath. Why it was in the bathroom and not in the rest of the house I can’t tell you! I was fine with all the results but one. In some of the audio were answers to questions that had been asked. Most of it was garbled some of it was not! It sent shivers down my spine when I heard a name I knew in the audio. A name of a person that was dead!
To say I was impressed by the results of the investigation is an under statement! I am the type of person that only believes what I see and hear only. Since I have seen ghosts I know they are real that’s a given even if I never met any ghost hunters. When someone else confirmed that ghostly visitations happened right in my home it confirmed what I all ready knew. The only thing I am at a loss to explain is the darting flashes of light shooting through a room in my house. This phenomena is still a mystery to me. When all was done and said the Kentucky Sprit Seekers gave me copies of the pictures and audio.
Just the other day it happened again a ghost came into my bedroom around 8am . I didn’t know who they had been when they were alive although I had a guess. What I did know was that my ghostly visitations aren’t slowing down!